The best promo items to get rid of Bugs
Outdoor giveaways are very popular for employee gifts, client gifts for outdoor retailers like camping store, car dealerships, RV dealers. There is something about connecting with the outdoors that just makes people feel great about disconnecting from technology and finding a way to become one with nature and the world. That is, until they start getting harassed by pesky mosquitos, wasps or other creepy crawlies. There are lots of gifts you can give people to help them enjoy nature more, like camping chars, flashlights, sandals, jackets or coolers, but imagine if your customer of employee is enjoying the sights and sounds of nature and suddenly mosquitos start bothering them and it’s YOU that comes to the rescue! That’s a brand touch point that I want to be a part of.
Mosquito Lanterns
These mosquito repelling lanterns are a fantastic way to light up your camp site while also keeping the nasty bugs at bay. The special blue light attracts mosquitos and then zaps them with 2000V of electricity, they fall into the enclosed cavity where they can be swept away the following morning. These lamps are recharged using an included USB plug. There is no better way to brand someone’s camp site than getting them to hang one of these off of their tent or trailer.

Custom Fly Swatters
We can make custom shaped fly swatters, but we also have a bunch of stock shapes like big foot, homes, guitars, decks of cards and more. These custom fly swatters aren’t just good for mosquitos, they are also good for wasps, house flys and more. The best part of a custom fly swatter is that once your customer hangs it in their trailer, they will likely keep it there for years and years and thank you every time they use it. There is nothing more annoying that trying to kill insects without access to a good fly swatter, so be the brand that saves the day with this inexpensive giveaway.

Mosquito Repellent Wrist Bands
These innovative wrist bands are great for repelling mosquitos. They work very similar to bug spray by emitting a subtle odor that masks your own scent that draws mosquitos in. These wrist bands can be customized with your corporate logo and are cure to save the day at outdoor festivals, concerts or camping trips. Safe to be worn by children and adults, these are a great gift for one time use or a weekend getaway and summer camps.

Paper Lanterns
Paper lanterns have long been used to imitate wasps nests, because when there is a wasp nest near by, other wasps are less likely to try to invade the territory. So hanging these paper bags on the corners of your camp site should help to keep other wasps at bay. Being made of tissue paper, they are also eco friendly and recyclable, so you don’t have to feel bad about ruining the environment while keeping your camp site safe.

Bug Head Nets
Great for people who work outside or in the deep bush and have the ability to cover their whole body but not their heads. Tese deluxe head nets cover your whole head and neck while allowing you the ability to comfortably breathe without risk of being bitter by mosquitos or other insects.

Insect Repellent
Insect repellent towelettes are a fantastic product to add to an outdoor survival kit. You can also add custom sunscreen, lip balm, tweezerz, afterbite, bandaids and other fantastic outdoor giveaways to a pouch like this. Your people will be sure glad to have your kit with them if they need it! Because the pouches can be fully custom including whatever fill you want, Id recommend customizing it for the event you are attending. Ie. If it’s an airshow, maybe throw in some ear plugs. If it’s a music festival maybe add some custom glow sticks. The options are endless, let us know if you want some more ideas!